How do I claim a partial old-age pension?

To qualify for a partial old-age pension, you must have been born in or before 1963 and be at least 61 years old. The minimum age rises to 62 for those born in 1964. You can choose to take out 25% or 50% of the pension funds that you have accrued so far. You can apply for partial old-age pension from an earnings-related pension provider only (not from Kela).

Read more about partial old-age pension

Retiring early will permanently reduce your pension

If you take out a part of your pension early (before you reach your retirement age), the part of your pension that you take will be permanently reduced by 0.4% for each month from when you start drawing your pension to the month after which you reach your retirement age. For example, if you take out your partial old-age pension one year early, the part that you take will be reduced by 4.8 per cent.

If you choose to take 25% of your pension, you can later increase it to 50%. If you choose to take 50%, you cannot reduce that to 25%. You cannot take the partial old-age pension retroactively. You can cancel it within three months from when the pension was granted, but in that case you have to pay back the pension that you have been paid. You cannot suspend the payment of your partial old-age pension, nor can you terminate it.

Before you claim your partial old-age pension, contact your pension provider to find out how much pension you will get, as well as the tax administration to find out how your earnings and your pension will be taxed.

If you are self-employed and you continue working in your own business while receiving a partial old-age pension, you must have valid insurance under the Self-employed Persons’ Pensions Act. 

Claim your pension online or with the pension claim form 

The partial old-age pension is a pension benefit that is paid only from the earnings-related pension scheme. Fill out the online claim form. Get started by clicking the button “Log in to the pension application service” You will be forwarded to your own pension provider’s application service.

Claim your partial old-age pension around two weeks before you want to start receiving the benefit. 

Log in to the pension application service

If your own pension provider does not offer an online application service, you can fill in a paper from or print out a form (2021e) that you have filled in online.

Partial old-age pension claim form in Forms

When can I not be granted a partial old-age pension?

You cannot get a partial old-age pension if you get any other earnings-related pensions from Finland based on your work, the farmers’ early retirement aid or if your disability pension is dormant because you are working.

Changes in age limits

If you were born in 1964, you can take out a partial old-age pension once you have turned 62. If you were born after 1964, you can take out a partial old-age pension three years before your own retirement age at the earliest.

Partial disability pension as an option

If your work ability is clearly limited, it is worth discussing with your doctor and employer about a partial disability pension before applying for a partial old-age pension. To receive a partial disability pension, your work ability must be reduced (contrary to the partial old-age pension, which you can be granted without a reduced work ability).

If your work ability is reduced, but not enough to receive a partial disability pension, a partial old-age pension may be a viable option.

Read more about the (partial) disability pension
Go to the (partial) disability pension application instructions

Apply for your old-age pension separately

Your partial old-age pension will continue until you retire on an old-age pension or you are granted a disability pension. If you are drawing a partial old-age pension, you have to apply for your full old-age pension separately. You can apply for it at any point between your retirement age and the age when your insurance obligation ends.

If you are an employee, you have to resign from your work before you start drawing your old-age pension. If you wish to do some work while drawing your old-age pension, your employer has to insure you for that work. You can apply to your pension provider for this new pension to be paid once you have reached the age when your insurance obligation ends. There is no limit to how much you can earn while for work that you do in retirement.

If you are self-employed, you can claim your old-age pension and continue your self-employment. In that case, you will not be able to continue paying statutory pension insurance. If you wish, you may, but you do not have to, insure your continued work with voluntary pension insurance.

Go to instructions on how to claim the old-age pension