Flexible partial old-age pension

The partial old-age pension allows you to withdraw part of your accrued earnings-related pension before you start receiving a full old-age pension. The partial old-age pension is paid only from the earnings-related pension scheme (not from the national pension scheme). Taking out a partial old-age pension will permanently reduce your pension if you take it before reaching the minimum retirement age.

To qualify for a partial old-age pension, you must have been born in or before 1963 and be at least 61 years old. The minimum age rises to 62 for those born in 1964 and gradually for those born later. Check your age limit using the retirement age calculator on the Työeläke.fi website.

How to claim for a partial old-age pension

Partial old-age pension while working

You can work and earn as much as you like while drawing a partial old-age pension, or stop working altogether.  If you are self-employed and you continue working in your own business while receiving a partial old-age pension, you must have valid insurance under the Self-employed Persons’ Pensions Act.

When can I not be granted a partial old-age pension?

You cannot get a partial old-age pension if you get any other earnings-related pensions from Finland based on your work, the farmers’ early retirement aid or if your disability pension is dormant because you are working.

Retiring early will permanently reduce your pension

When you retire on a partial old-age pension, you can draw 25% or 50% of the pension that you have accrued up to that time. If you take out a partial old-age pension early, note that the part you are taking out will be permanently reduced by 0.4% for each month from when you start drawing your pension to the month after you reach your retirement age. Consider carefully before retiring early as your pension will be reduced for the rest of your life.

Taking out 50% of your accrued pension as a partial old-age pension will reduce your future pension twice as much as if you take out 25% of your accrued pension. This is because when you take out 50% early, the reduction for early retirement applies to a larger part of your pension. If you choose to take 25% of your pension, you can later increase it to 50%. If you take 50%, you cannot later reduce that to 25%.

If you have accrued 2,000 euros in earnings-related pension and you take 50 per cent of your pension three years before you reach your retirement age for a full old-age pension, your monthly full old-age pension will be reduced permanently by 144 euros. Before you apply for a partial old-age pension, contact your pension provider to find out how much pension you will get and the tax administration to find out how your earnings and your pension will be taxed.

If you work while drawing a partial old-age pension, you will earn additional pension for your work as usual. Read more about pension amounts

Try out the calculator that will give you a general estimate. You will find more detailed information on and help in your life situation on your pension provider’s website. Instructions continue after the calculator.

Estimate your partial old-age pension

The calculator also calculates how much your partial old-age pension affects your later old-age pension.


Year of birth

Select your year of birth. It is needed to calculate the amount of your pension. Your year of birth determines your earliest eligibility age for the partial old-age pension and the old-age pension and the life expectancy coefficient.

Select the year in which you were born

Birth month

Select your birth month.

Select the month in which you were born

Wage or income from work/month (gross) before partial old-age pension

Enter your current (or an estimate of your future) annual wage/income from self-employment at a monthly level, as a whole number (for example, 2500).

Enter your wage (whole number, for example 2500)

Your accrued pension, from your pension record

Check your pension record (www.tyoelake.fi/en/pension-record/) and enter here your total pension amount (in full euros, for example 800). The amount is the amount you estimated to have accrued by the end of the previous month, adjusted with the life expectancy coefficient. Enter the accrued pension amount excluding a possible increment for late retirement.

Enter the accrued pension amount as a whole number, for example, 2500

I will take out as a partial old-age pension

Select if you take out 25% or 50% of your accrued pension.


Wage or income from work/month (gross) while drawing a partial old-age pension

Enter an estimate of your annual wage/income from self-employment at a monthly level while drawing an old-age pension (as a whole number, for example, 1500).

Enter your wage (whole number, for example 2500)

Select how your wage and salary earnings will develop in the future

Development according to projection means that your own earnings change in the calculator according to the annually estimated wage coefficient development until retirement. When calculating your pension, your earnings are also adjusted with the wage coefficient to the level of the year of retirement. The development of the wage coefficient in the calculator follows the projection of the Finnish Centre for Pensions.

Earnings kept at current level means that your own earnings or the wage coefficient used in indexing do not change.

For more detailed information about the assumptions used by the calculator, check the section About the calculator.

Retirement age- Pension estimate/month - €/month
Your target retirement age - Pension estimate/month - €/month

Estimate of your partial old-age pension

The pension is in the price level of the ongoing year.

Earliest possible age at which you can take out the partial old-age pension 

Earliest possible age at which you can take out the partial old-age pension

The earliest eligibility age for a partial old-age pension is the age at which you can retire on a partial old-age pension. The retirement ages are estimates if you were born in 1965 or later.

- years and - months

Test how the age when you start drawing the partial old-age pension affects the estimate.

Date on which your partial old-age pension begins: -

Partial old-age pension in

- €/month

Your partial old-age pension begins - months before the earliest possible age at which you can retire on a full old-age pension. Your reduction for early retirement is - %. Your partial old-age pension begins - months after you have reached the earliest possible age at which you can retire ona full old-age pension. Your increment for late retirement is - %.

The reduction for early retirement reduces your monthly partial old-age pension by - €/month. The increment for deferred retirement increases your monthly partial old-age pension by - €/month.  

The reduction for early retirement reduces your monthly partial old-age pension by

A reduction for early retirement of 0.4 per cent is made to your partial old-age pension for each month that you draw the pension early. If you take out the partial old-age pension at your earliest eligibility age for the pension, no reduction is made.

If you take out the partial old-age pension late, after reaching your old-age retirement age, an increment of 0.4 per cent for each month that you defer retirement is made. You cannot receive an increment for deferred retirement for the same period that you are paid an unemployment benefit.

Your partial old-age pension has been adjusted with the life expectancy coefficient. 

Your partial old-age pension has been adjusted with the life expectancy coefficient

The partial old-age pension has been multiplied with the life expectancy coefficient determined for each age group.

Since the life expectancy of one's age group is determined at age 62, the life expectancy of those who retire on a partial old-age pension at age 61 is the coefficient of those who turn 62 in the year that the pension begins.

Next year's index-adjusted pension amount

Partial old-age pension in

- €/month

Next year's pension amount has been adjusted with the projected nominal development of the earnings-related pension index.

Your old-age pension after your partial old-age pension

The pension is in the price level of the ongoing year.

Retirement age 

Retirement age

Your earliest eligibility age is the first possible age at which you can retire on an old-age pension. The retirement ages are estimates if you were born in 1965 or later.

- years and - months

Test how the age at which you retire affects your pension estimate.

Time of your retirement: -

Earnings-related pension 

Earnings-related pension

The earnings-related pension consists of the partial old-age pension, the part of the pension that is not taken and the pension that accrues while drawing a partial old-age pension.

The reduction for early retirement on a partial old-age pension reduces your monthly old-age pension by - €/month.
The increment for deferred retirement on a partial old-age pension increases your monthly pension by - €/month.

The reduction for early retirement on a partial old-age pension reduces your monthly old-age pension by

The reduction for early retirement or the increment for late retirement of the partial old-age pension continues in the old-age pension.

The increment for deferred retirement of the old-age pension increases your monthly pension by - €/month.  

The increment for deferred retirement of the old-age pension increases your monthly pension by

The reduction for early retirement or the increment for late retirement of the partial old-age pension continues in the old-age pension.

Your earnings-related pension has been adjusted with the life expectancy coefficient -.

Your old-age pension if you don't take out a partial old-age pension 

Your old-age pension if you don't take out a partial old-age pension

You can compare the old-age pension you will receive after taking out a partial old-age pension with the old-age pension you would get if you were not to take out a partial old-age pension and would continue working and receiving the same earnings until you retire. The old-age pension is calculated until the retirement age you selected.

Earnings-related pension


This calculator will calculate the amount of your partial old-age pension and the amount of your full old-age pension after you’ve taken out a partial old-age pension. For comparison, the calculator also calculates how much your full old-age pension would be had you not taken out a partial old-age pension.

If you are 55 or older this year, the calculator will also calculate the amount of your national and guarantee pensions, if you qualify for them. You can estimate your pension using this calculator if you were born between 1959 and 2007.

The calculator will calculate your pension based on the wage you’ve entered and the laws that are valid in 2025. To get an estimation that is as close to the truth as possible, enter the amount of your accrued earnings-related pension that is stated on your pension record. Your final pension cannot be calculated until just before you retire.

If you are a wage earner, your pension will start to grow as of age 17. If you are self-employed, the age limit is 18. The calculator will calculate your earned pension as of age 17 and under the assumption that you will not retire early. The calculator will calculate your pension to the age of 70 at the most. After that you no longer earn more pension.

The calculator calculates your pension under the assumption that the earned pension you have entered has been adjusted with the life expectancy coefficient and does not include an increment for late retirement. If you have already reached your retirement age, the pension you have earned may include an increment for late retirement.

If you can retire on a partial old-age pension during the ongoing year, you can estimate not only the amount of your starting pension but also the amount of your index-adjusted pension for next year. You can see the index-adjusted amount for next year when you select “Assessment of index effect (nominal price level)” and your selected time of retirement is in the ongoing year. By changing your age at retirement, you can compare this estimated index-adjusted pension amount for next year with the estimated amount for your pension were you to retire next year. The amount of your index-adjusted partial old-age pension is not stated if your old-age pension begins during the ongoing year or in January next year since, in that case, you will no longer be paid a partial old-age pension next year.

Calculator’s assumptions on wage and price development as well as extended life expectancy

You can select between two different future general wage developments in this calculator. The option in which the wage level remains unchanged corresponds to the pension record’s baseline projection of your pension. The option in which the wage level grows corresponds to the Finnish Centre for Pensions’ baseline assumption in its long-term projection.

If your pension can start during the ongoing year, you can also select to have the pension amount presented at a nominal level in addition to the price level of the ongoing year. In the alternative with the nominal price level, the projected price development corresponds to the baseline projection of the long-term projection of the Finnish Centre for Pensions.

According to the baseline assumption, the earnings level grows by 1.2 per cent and the consumer price index by 2.0 per cent per year real term. The near-future economic outlook has been taken more closely into account in the calculator. The wage coefficient that your pension is adjusted with to the level of the year in which your pension begins is calculated based on the general wage and price development. Long-term, the real-term annual development is around 1.0%.

The calculator assumes that your earnings grow each year in line with the wage coefficient. That is why your earnings grow slightly less than the average wages of wage earners since the wage coefficient considers 80% of the general growth in earnings.

The calculator presents your assumed pension amount in current prices. The euro amount thus reflects the effect of the wage coefficient adjustment and the growth of your own earnings on your pensions’ purchasing power. If you reach your retirement age during the ongoing year, you can assess your pension also at a nominal price level. In that case, the assessments include the impact of the projected price development.

The extended life expectancy that affects the projected retirement ages and life expectancy coefficient are based on the population forecast of Statistics Finland.

The assumptions used by the calculator regarding the life expectancy coefficient, the retirement age and the general earnings and price development are listed in this excel file.

Retirement age for partial old-age pension

The retirement age for a partial old-age pension is 61 years if you were born before 1964. If you were born in 1964, the retirement age is 62 years. If you were born in 1965 and later, your retirement age is linked to changes in life expectancy. The retirement age is based on the current projection of the extending life expectancy. The projection is based on Statistics Finland’s 2024 population projection. Read more about how the retirement ages are determined

Retirement age for old-age pension

Each birth year group has its own retirement age. If you were born in 1965 and later, your retirement age is based on the currently estimated extended life expectancy.

Earnings-related pension accrual and age at when your insurance obligation ends

Your earnings-related pension grows by 1.5 per cent of your annual earnings. If you are between 53 and 62 years old, your pension will grow by 1.7% of your annual gross wages between the years 2017 and 2025. If you retire late (after you have reached your retirement age), your pension will be increased by an increment for late retirement (0.4% for each month that you defer retirement). Pension accrues also for work you do while receiving a partial old-age pension.

The age when you stop paying pension insurance and your pension no longer grows will rise from 68 to 69 (for those born between 1958 and 1961) and 70 (for those born in 1962 and after).

Calculating a partial old-age pension

Your partial old-age pension is based on the earnings-related pension that you have accrued by the end of the year before the year in which you take out a partial old-age pension. When you retire on a partial old-age pension, you can draw 25% or 50% of the pension that you have accrued up to that time. Retiring on an old-age pension early will permanently reduce your future pension by 0.4% for each month from when you start drawing your pension to the month after you reach your retirement age.

Life expectancy coefficient

The accrued pension is adjusted with the life expectancy coefficient, which depends on your year of birth. The life expectancy coefficient for your age group will be confirmed when you turn 62 years. If you start drawing your partial old-age pension at age 61, the life expectancy coefficient confirmed for the year in which your partial old-age pension starts is used.

For the younger age groups, the life expectancy is a projection. The projections are based on the 2024 population projections of Statistics Finland.

Wage coefficient

When the amount of your starting pension is calculated, your income from work and self-employment during your working life will be adjusted with the wage coefficient to the level of the year in which you retire. The wage coefficient ensures that the pension you have earned during your working life retains its value. The wage coefficient takes into account 80% of the changes the index of wage and salary earnings and 20% of the changes in the consumer price index.

Kela pensions

You can get a national or guarantee pension from Kela if you have no or only a small earnings-related pension. If you get only a partial old-age pension, you cannot get a Kela pension. That is why the calculator estimates the Kela pension only for the old-age pension. Every euro of earnings-related pension that you get reduces your full national pension by 50 cents until there is no national pension left to pay. Your national pension depends on whether you live alone or with a spouse.

You get a guarantee pension if your total pension is below the full amount of the guarantee pension.  Apart from the earnings-related pension, the calculator does not consider other pensions that may affect your national or guarantee pension.

When your national pension amount is calculated, the reduction for early partial old-age pension is added to the amount of your earnings-related pension. That way, the national pension does not compensate for the reduction of the earnings-related pension caused by early retirement. The increment for late retirement is not considered when calculating your national pension, so the national pension does not reduce as a result of the increment for late retirement.

The calculator takes all other components of your earnings-related pension into account as factors reducing your national pension. When calculating the guarantee pension, the earnings-related pension paid is considered in full.

In the national pension scheme, the retirement age is 65 years. As of those born in 1965, the retirement age will be linked to life expectancy, just as in the earnings-related pension scheme. The calculator counts the reduction for early retirement (0.4% per month that you take the pension early) for both the national and the guarantee pension if you retire before you reach the retirement age of the national pension. The calculator also calculates an increase for late retirement if you retire after reaching the retirement age of the national pension. If you were born before 1962, the increment for late retirement is 0.6% for each month that you postpone your retirement and 0.4% if you were born in 1962 or after.

The calculator calculates your Kela pension providing you have lived long enough in Finland to qualify for a full national pension (80% of the time between you turned 16 and when you retire).
In the future, the national and the guarantee pension are expected to develop in line with the price index. In real terms, the Kela pension is at the current level in the calculator.

For more information on the national pension and the guarantee pension, go to Kela’s website.

If you can retire on a partial old-age pension during the ongoing year, you can estimate not only the amount of your starting pension but also the amount of your index-adjusted pension for next year. The indexes for next year are projections; the figures will be specified in the autumn. The partial old-age pension calculator cannot calculate your index-adjusted pension amount if your old-age pension begins in the current year or in January of the following year since, in that case, you will no longer be paid a partial old-age pension in next year.

For example, you can compare the amount of your pension if you retire in December or January. For comparable results, select the nominal price level in all calculations.

  1. Calculate how much your monthly pension would be if it were to start in December 2025 and how much your index-adjusted pension that would start in January 2026 would be.
  2. Calculate how much your pension that would start in 2026 would be by selecting a higher age at retirement.
  3. Compare the results with each other.

If your partial old-age pension has been reduced because you retired early and you are entitled to a national pension, the reduction will be taken into account as income when your national pension is calculated. In practice this means that the national pension will not compensate for the early retirement reduction in your partial earnings-related pension.

Partial old-age pension after reaching your retirement age

There is no age limit for granting or paying out a partial old-age pension. Your partial old-age pension is converted into an old-age pension only if claim your old-age pension.

If you retire on a partial old-age pension after you have reached your retirement age, the part that you take out will be permanently increased by 0.4% for each month from your retirement age to when you start drawing your partial old-age pension.

You can also postpone drawing your full old-age pension after reaching your retirement age even if you have drawn a partial early old-age pension. If you defer your old-age pension, the part of the pension that you have not drawn early will be increased with an increment for late retirement of 0.4% for each month that you have deferred retirement.

Partial disability pension as an option

If your work ability is clearly limited, it is worth discussing with your doctor and employer about a partial disability pension before applying for a partial old-age pension. To receive a partial disability pension, your work ability must be reduced (contrary to the partial old-age pension, which you can be granted without a reduced work ability).

If your work ability is reduced, but not enough to receive a partial disability pension, a partial old-age pension may be a viable option.

Read more about the (partial) disability pension
Go to the (partial) disability pension application instructions

Your partial old-age pension will continue until you retire on an old-age pension or you are granted a disability pension. If you are drawing a partial old-age pension, you have to apply for your full old-age pension separately. You can apply for it at any point between your retirement age and the age when your insurance obligation ends. Your full old-age pension will then consist of your reduced partial old-age pension taken out early and the remaining pension you have earned.

Go to instructions on how to claim the old-age pension

You don’t have to notify your employer of drawing a partial old-age pension.

If you wish to make changes to your working hours, you have to agree on it with your employer. You don’t have to notify your pension provider of any changes to your working hours or other work arrangements because they don’t affect the granting of the pension. If you stop working altogether, you have to resign from work in a regular manner.

Notify your pension provider if you are self-employed and change the amount of your work input when you start drawing your partial old-age pension.

The partial old-age pension is pension income for which you must pay personal income tax. You get a deduction from pension income for the partial old-age pension.

If you retire on a part-time pension and your income from work are reduced, your tax and contribution rates will also be reduced. Correspondingly, your tax rate will increase if your previous income level remains the same and you receive a partial old-age pension on top of that.

If you receive a partial old-age pension and continue working, you pay tax and contributions on your wage. The tax and contribution rates when you have a combined pension and wage income is usually smaller than if your total income consisted of only a wage or only a pension.

For more information on taxation, contact the Tax Administration.

The table below presents the net income and tax and contribution rates of a person receiving a partial old-age pension on different income and pension levels in 2025. The last column of the table shows what the tax and contribution rates would be if the person were to receive only a wage and no partial old-age pension.

The person is assumed to be 62 years old. Deductions based on work and the average municipal tax (7.46%) have been taken into account. The Church tax has not been taken into account.

Example table Partial old-age pension and taxation 2025

The partial old-age pension does not prevent you from getting the unemployment benefit. In addition, the granting of a partial old-age pension does not affect the amount of your earnings-related unemployment allowance or your basic unemployment allowance. The unemployment benefit is determined based on your work before unemployment.

Your partial old-age pension may affect your labour market subsidy. If you receive labour market subsidy and consider claiming a partial old-age pension, check with Kela whether the partial old-age pension affects the amount of your labour market subsidy.

Check with Kela how your sickness allowance is determined if you fall ill while you are on a partial old-age pension and you apply for a sickness allowance or if you apply for a partial old-age pension while you get a sickness allowance.

In connection with the 2017 pension reform, the partial old-age pension replaced the part-time pension. The last part-time pensions were paid out in 2023.