FrontpageFeedback Feedback Use this form to give us feedback on the content or technical issues relating to the service. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are obligatory. By filling in all fields, we can process your feedback more rapidly.Select the topic of your feedback* Deficiency in the content Technical error Thank you/Suggestion Your feedback*Services that you have to log into require certain technical conditions. Make sure that the settings and applications of your device meet the technical requirements of We have provided the solutions to the most general technical problems.In which section did the error occur?* Logging in with your banking credentials Check your pension record Apply for a pension Go to your pension provider's online service (other than the above sections) In which pension provider are you insured?On which website did the error occur? (give the address of the site)Date of error* Day Month Year Time of error* : Hours Minutes Your browser (for example, Chrome or Edge):Your device (for example, laptop or iPhone):If possible, desribe what happened from the time you started using the service until the error occurred. What kind of error message did you receive?Have you installed Adobe Reader on your device (used to read pdf files)? Yes No If you have not installed Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat, you cannot read the pension record.Enter your name and e-mail address if you want us to contact you.NameBy filling in all fields, we can process your feedback more rapidly. Please enter both your first and last name.E-mail Updated 31.10.2017 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Print