Welcome to learn more about pensions! Työeläke.fi is a joint website for the whole Finnish earnings-related pension scheme and covers both the private and the public sector. It is also a route to pension services.
Työeläke.fi offers:
- open information available for anyone interested,
- services that are individual and require identification, and
- links to pension providers’ services.
The Finnish Centre for Pensions owns the copyright to the shared pages of this service. The website deals with pensions in general terms, and the texts are not to be taken as legal texts.
Työeläke.fi is a joint website for the services of the earnings-related pension scheme in Finland. The following terms and conditions apply to the use of the service. Please read them before you use the site.
The Työeläke.fi service may include service-specific terms and conditions which the reader has to accept and to which these terms and conditions are secondary. The same applies to the websites of pension providers and other service producers that are linked to the Työeläke.fi site.
Created by the Finnish Centre for Pensions
The Finnish Centre for Pensions owns the copyright to the common pages in Työeläke.fi. The editor-in-chief of the service is communications manager Johanna Louhimies. The content of the website is produced by the Communications Department at the Finnish Centre for Pensions.
The Finnish Centre for Pensions owns the copyright and other rights of this website. The Finnish Centre for Pensions has the right to make changes to the content, use and technology of this website and to restrict access to the website at any given time.
Despite the copyright, the open pages of the Työeläke.fi website can be freely quoted and copied. The liability for the content and its currency lies with the party quoting or copying content from Työeläke.fi. Good practice requires that party quoting or copying material names the source.
General information – not legal texts
Työeläke.fi deals with pensions in general terms. The services that require identification offer personal pension information. The information on the open pages are informative and not to be taken as legal texts. The Finnish Centre for Pensions is not liable that the information in the Työeläke.fi service meets the needs of its user. Nor is the Finnish Centre for Pensions liable for the solutions or actions that the reader makes and takes based on the information on the website.
The Finnish Centre for Pensions does not guarantee that the website functions without disruptions.
The Finnish Centre for Pensions is not liable for any indirect, special or consequential, damage, expenses or loss caused by the use of this website.
The Finnish Centre for Pensions is not liable for any damage caused by disruptions in telecommunications, and data systems, malware or information security risks.
Työeläke.fi was originally launched on 9 December 2002.
This website works best with the more recent browser versions. If you experience problems, try using the service with another browser. Emptying the cache can also help.
PDF files
You need a reader program to print out the forms offered through Työeläke.fi.
If you experience problems using PDF files, install the most recent version of Adobe Reader or a corresponding software. Download Acrobat Reader free of charge.
JavaScript is a programming language, which is used for assisting functions, such as to open new windows, administer error messages and verify input data.
Työeläke.fi uses JavaScript. Allow the use of JavaScript in your browser settings. JavaScript is usually permitted as default.
Pop-up windows
Make sure your browser allows the opening of pop-up windows.
Tyoelake.fi offers services that require identification. They include ”Check your pension record”, ”Claim your pension” and ”Find your pension provider”.
Links to these services are available on the frontpage of Tyoelake.fi, on the header of the website and on the content pages under the section ”Your services”.
Suomi.fi identification and pension directing services
The services on Tyoelake.fi that require identification use Suomi.fi e-Identification. On the login page of the Suomi.fi e-Identification you can select to use your online banking credentials or some other identification method of your choice. Suomi.fi is a joint identification service for public sector organisations. The text ”tunnistautuminen.suomi.fi” is always shown as part of the address.
After you have identified yourself, you continue to the Eläkepalvelut (pension service) directing service. It is a joint service of the earnings-related pension field. At the address ”https://elakepalvelut.fi/ohjaa/OhjaaPalveluun.xhtml” you are asked to confirm once more that you want to proceed to the service. After that, you are directed to your pension provider’s web service.
Depending on the identification service of your pension provider, you may be asked to log in once more.
When you are done, remember to log out of the web service of your pension provider and the Eläkepalvelut directing service.
Information about Suomi-fi identification (in Finnish)
Incomes Register
The services that require identification use the data in the joint earnings and accrual register of the earnings-related pension scheme. The register is used in the implementation of the earnings-related pension scheme. The use of the register data is governed by EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Encrypted connections
Tyoelake.fi’s connections are encrypted. The encrypting secures the messages between the customer and this website so that they cannot be read by a third party.
Browsers use the cache memory to show a page that has already been downloaded faster. This means that the browser saves the page in the cache memory.
Remember to log out from Työeläke.fi and clear the cache and the browsing history when you have used services which require identification. This way you can make sure that the connection to your data in the data system is not left open and available to others.
Various phishing and scam messages and phone calls are ways in which criminals try to get access to personal and banking data. The attackers pretend to be banks and authorities when they phish for information. Read all messages you get in peace and make sure they are trustworthy.
Authorities, banks or Suomi.fi never ask for your personal data or banking codes with text or instant messages or e-mails. Watch out every time you get a message that requests you to provide information or to click a link to log in. Make sure the message, its sender and the link are trustworhty before you react.
Always check that you are transferring to a real webaddress. For example, the results of search engines (Goodle, Bing and others) can be masked to resemble existing websites, but the web addess of the browser reveals that it’s a fake website.
When you open a link in social media on your phone, you may be directed to a browser within the application in which the browser’s address field isn’t visible. Don’t enter your personal or banking data in an internal browser in social media. At the top of the webpage, you can change the social media’s internal browser to your default browser.
But the safest option is to always write the entire webb address into the address field of the browser. You can also store the webb addresses of the services you use as bookmarks or favourites in your browser.
If you suspect that the message you have received is a scam message:
- Don’t klick any links included in the message.
- Don’t reply to the message or enter your data into requested fields.
- If you suspect that your banking credentials have fallen into the wrong hands, contact your bank’s customer service immediately. After that, report the offence to the police.
Read also the guidelines at the Suomi.fi website: My personal data has been stolen or leaked.
More on how to protect yourself against online scams at the National Cyber Security Centre’s website.